Exploring Your Rights to Object to a Development Permit under WABO

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Exploring Your Rights to Object to a Development Permit under WABO

As a resident of Washington State, you have the right to object to a development permit that has been issued by your local government under the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and the Washington Administrative Building Code (WABO). The process of objecting to a development permit can be complex and confusing, but it is important to understand your rights and the steps involved in order to protect your community’s interests and ensure that development projects comply with local regulations.

Understanding the Development Permit Process

The first step in objecting to a development permit is to understand the development permit process. A development permit is a local government permit that allows property owners to build or modify structures on their land. This includes everything from new homes or commercial buildings to additions or renovations to existing structures. The development permit process is designed to ensure that these projects meet local regulations and codes, such as zoning laws, building codes, and environmental regulations.

Grounds for Objecting to a Development Permit

There are several grounds on which you can object to a development permit. These may include concerns about the impact of the proposed development on the environment, traffic, or public safety, or objections based on zoning or land use regulations. You may also object on the grounds that the development does not comply with local building codes or other regulations.

The Process of Objecting to a Development Permit

If you decide to object to a development permit, there are several steps you can take. The first step is to review the permit application and any related documents, such as environmental impact statements or traffic studies. You should also talk to your neighbors and other community members to gather support for your objection.

Once you have gathered information and support, you can submit a written objection to the local government body responsible for issuing the development permit. This may be a planning commission, zoning board, or city council. Your objection should include specific details about why you believe the development should not be approved, including any relevant regulations or codes that the development violates.

After you submit your objection, the local government body will hold a public hearing to consider your objection and any other comments or concerns from the community. You will have the opportunity to present your objection in person at the hearing, along with any supporting evidence or testimony from experts or other community members.

Appealing a Decision on a Development Permit

If the local government body approves the development permit despite your objection, you may have the right to appeal their decision. The appeals process can vary depending on the specific local government body and the type of development permit being appealed. In some cases, you may be able to appeal to a higher level of government, such as a state agency or court.


Objecting to a development permit can be a complex and challenging process, but it is an important way to protect your community’s interests and ensure that development projects comply with local regulations. By understanding your rights and the steps involved, you can make a meaningful contribution to the decision-making process and help shape the future of your community.


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