Unpacking the Details of Article in the WABO Legislation

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The WABO (Workplace Anti-Bullying and Harassment Order) legislation is a landmark law that seeks to protect employees from workplace bullying and harassment. The law is designed to ensure that employees are treated with respect and dignity and that they are able to work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. The WABO legislation has been praised by experts as a significant step forward in protecting workers’ rights and promoting a safe and healthy workplace. In this article, we will unpack the details of the WABO legislation and examine its impact on workplaces across the country.

What is Workplace Bullying and Harassment?

Before delving into the specifics of the WABO legislation, it is important to define what we mean by workplace bullying and harassment. Workplace bullying refers to repeated, unreasonable behavior directed towards an employee, which creates a risk to their health and safety. Examples of workplace bullying include verbal abuse, exclusion from work-related activities, and spreading rumors about an employee. Harassment, on the other hand, refers to any unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, such as gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This can include physical assault, unwanted advances, and derogatory comments.

The Key Provisions of the WABO Legislation

The WABO legislation is designed to provide employees with a range of protections against workplace bullying and harassment. The key provisions of the legislation include:

1. Definition of Workplace Bullying and Harassment

The WABO legislation provides a comprehensive definition of workplace bullying and harassment, which includes both direct and indirect forms of bullying. The definition also includes cyberbullying, which refers to any offensive communication or behavior directed towards an employee through digital channels.

2. Duty of Employers

The WABO legislation places a duty on employers to ensure that their workplaces are free from bullying and harassment. Employers are required to take proactive measures to prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment, including implementing policies and procedures, providing training to employees, and investigating complaints.

3. Complaints and Investigations

The WABO legislation provides a clear process for employees to make complaints about workplace bullying and harassment. Employers are required to investigate complaints promptly and impartially, and take appropriate steps to address the issue.

4. Remedies and Penalties

The WABO legislation provides a range of remedies and penalties for workplace bullying and harassment. These may include compensation for the victim, orders to stop the bullying or harassment, and fines or other penalties for the employer.

Impact of the WABO Legislation on Workplaces

The WABO legislation has had a significant impact on workplaces across the country. Employers are now more aware of their responsibilities under the law and are taking steps to prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment. There has been a notable increase in the number of complaints made about workplace bullying and harassment since the introduction of the WABO legislation, which suggests that employees are more confident in coming forward with their concerns.

However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is ensuring that employers are able to effectively implement the requirements of the WABO legislation. This may require additional resources and training for employers, particularly small businesses who may not have the same level of resources as larger organizations.


In conclusion, the WABO legislation is an important step forward in protecting employees from workplace bullying and harassment. The law provides a clear framework for employers to prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment, and has had a significant impact on workplaces across the country. While there are still challenges that need to be addressed, the WABO legislation represents a significant achievement in promoting a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.


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